Proposed Projects

Raise awareness about Newborn Screening and expand service to other towns in Zambia.

Conduct research to establish true burden of SCD in Zambia.

Use of point of care (POC) testing to screen for SCD

Raise funds for procurement of hydroxyurea for patients who can’t afford it.

Annual Christmas Cheer with WARRIORS at different hospitals in Zambia

Source other Medicine and Distribution

Our Annual Events

Country-Wide Community Outreach Programs

Patient / Caregivers Workshop

ZNSAVA Fundraising Dinner / Organisation Launch

Music Concert For Sickle Cell (Blood Donation / Education Awareness / Fundraising Lusaka

Patient / Caregivers Workshop – Kitwe

Music Concert For Sickle Cell (Blood Donation / Education

Awareness / Fundraising – Kitwe

ZNSAVA Education Sessions

World Sickle Cell Country- Wide Events

Zambia’s Sickle Cell Scientific Conference

Sickle Cell Awareness Program

ZNSAVA Annual Chtistmas Cheers